

Brotherly love: Chris Smith opens up about relationship with J.R.


J.R. Smith's brother Chris Smith says people often see a lot of tattoos on his and his brother's bodies and it results in false perceptions. 

"A lot of people have a bad stigma about us just because we have tattoos and we used to hang out," Chris said. 

He and J.R. have several of the same tattoos, including ones with their parent's names—Ida and Earl. Family is important to the Smiths. 

"My mom, she was a foster child. Not that many people know that but family to her means more than anything," Chris said. "Even when I was younger me and my brothers would have arguments and my mom got a little teary eyed and said you guys got to stick together."

Their mother got what she asked for. Chris, who previously played at Louisville and Manhattan in college and then the New York Knicks in the pros, is working for a second chance at the NBA. His brother, J.R., is right by his side. 

"He has helped me tremendously with speeches all the time," Chris said. 

Chris is in J.R.'s corner as he pursues a title. 

"It means the world to him," Chris said. " It means win, lose or draw, I am always going to be there. But I am encouraging him, 'Go get it, go get it, every day.'"

So what's their motivation?

"I think we motivate each other.  Him seeing my grind on how hard it's been throughout the process of my life getting back towards the NBA. I think that puts the fire in his heart. For me to see him hitting three pointers and the conference finals, the semi finals. It's a no brainer,  just to play hard," Smith explained.

Chris said some pass unfair judgment because he and J.R. are covered in tattoos. But if you take a close look at their ink, you'd see a lot of family inspired images, proving their tattoos do reflect what they represent—each other.  

"Me and my brother, we are best friends." Chris said. "I always have his back.'