

Jason Kipnis tells fans to rally together at the start of the season, takes a look back at last year


Jason Kipnis recalls the moment when the Indians lost Game 7 of the World Series like it was yesterday.

The Indians' efforts fell short after a long, hard-fought battle until the last minute. In a post for The Player's Tribune published Monday, Kipnis said he got physically ill right after the game. The following morning he had to go back to the field so he could be hooked up to an IV. 

"Going into that game, you know it will be the last one of the year no matter what, so there’s no taking it easy," Kipnis said. "You leave it all out there on the field. 

He added: "And lose."

Kipnis remembered how his mentality shifted and it was days and weeks after the game that he was still regroup

"While you’re trying to do that, though, you can’t help but think back and second-guess certain things," Kipnis said.

Kipnis emphasizes that the team is better this year than last year. He and the rest of the team rely on the good vibes from the fans in the stadium.

"We feed off our fans. We rely on you guys to have our backs and to lift us up when we need a little something extra to get a W. 

During the World Series, Kipnis recalls how his team saw many blue jerseys at the home games. He said it "it hurt a little bit" to see so many Cubs fans, especially at Game 7

"And don’t for a second think I’m trying to tell you how to spend your hard-earned money, or don’t get how important that money might have been to your family," Kipnis said.

"I’m hoping all of Cleveland feels the same way and is ready to make a run at history this year … starting today. Don’t wait until September or the playoffs. Come along for the ride from the very beginning," Kipnis said.

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