Position: News 5 Investigator
Covers: Crime/courts
Email: tara.morgan@wews.com
Twitter: @taramorganTV
Facebook: TaraMorganTV
Education: Sam Houston State University
Previous Work Experience: ABC6/FOX28 Columbus, NBC12 Richmond, VA, KIII and KZTV Corpus Christi, TX, KRIV and KHOU Houston
Joined News 5: April 18, 2022
Most Memorable Stories: The D.C. Beltway Snipers, Ohio State Fair Fire Ball tragedy, Moore, OK Tornado, a Virginia boy with autism rescued after he was lost in the woods for 5 days
Awards/Honors: 3 Ohio Valley Emmys: Investigative Report on public bus safety after a deadly crash, Continuing Coverage of the Fire Ball tragedy at the Ohio State Fair, Continuing Coverage of the heroin epidemic in Central Ohio, and Ohio AP First Place for Enterprise Report on a deadly DUI Cold Case
News Philosophy: Listen closely, dig deep, and tell the most accurate and fair story.
Role Model: Mom and dad. Most grateful for their life lessons, advice, and support.
Favorite Sports Teams: Browns, Cavs, Columbus Blue Jackets.
Favorite Music: “Turns out not where but who you’re with that really matters.” - Dave Matthews Band
Favorite Movie: Breakfast Club
Favorite Program: Ozark, Walking Dead, Better Call Saul
Favorite Food: Go back and forth between Italian and Mexican
Family: Two brothers, one sister. They, along with my parents, live in south Texas
Pet: Jordie (rescue dog adopted after working on a story about him being chained to a tree during a polar vortex) Primo (Yorkie and ruler of the house) Fonzie (recently adopted cat)
Hobbies & Interests: Running. Completed two marathons: San Fransisco, and virtual Boston, numerous half-marathons, 15k’s, 10k’s, 5k’s.
You're most likely to see me around town at: A brewery.
Hidden Talent: I am a little rusty, but a knack for listening to a song and picking out the movie it is in.
Something most people don't know about me: Country music DJ in college
What I like best about Northeast Ohio: The people, sense of community, restaurant scene, and MetroParks
On the weekends I love to: Take the scooters out for some sightseeing and eats with my husband. I have a Genuine Buddy 125 I call “Grasshopper” and he rides a Vespa.
Additional Info You Want People to Know About You: I love to travel with my husband around the country and abroad when we can. A bonus if we can wrap a trip around a Dave Matthews show!