Position: Weekend Anchor/Reporter
Covers: crime/courts
Email: Carloss@wews.com
Education: Duquesne University BA, Duquesne University, MA
Previous Work Experience: WGRZ-TV Buffalo, New York; WSTM-TV Syracuse, New York and WDTV Clarksburg, West Virginia
Joined News 5: June 2000
Most Memorable Stories:
The day the missing girls were found in Cleveland, May 2013. I had covered the disappearance of Gina DeJesus and Amanda Berry for years. I was sent to MetroHealth Medical Center to cover that they had been possibly found and taken there. That is something I will never forget. When we arrived, I knew it was true by the number of police officers and investigators who were there. It was such an emotional story to cover.
Another memorable story happened when I was in Syracuse, New York. Days before Christmas, a charity that was collecting gifts for needy families was burglarized. I reported the story, and people responded. Our story generated more donations than the organization had collected before the gifts were stolen. They were able to help many more families. It proved to me, once again, that the media has tremendous power to help the community.
Awards/Honors: Edward R Murrow, Emmy and Associated Press
News Philosophy: To be fair, accurate and complete. To report what is good about the community and expose what is not. To be unbiased in my reporting.
Role Model(s): My parents.
Family: I am married and we have a daughter
Pet: One dog, a lovable mutt
What I like best about Northeast Ohio: The people. The people in this community are kind, giving and fantastic.